Customers require Chlorination Systems to protect their equipment and water from bio-fouling. There are four primary system types that customers utilize to achieve this end. The first is a hypochlorite injection system which takes liquid hypochlorite and injects it into the water, this is typically used in cooling tower equipment. Another system commonly used for cooling tower treatment is Gaseous Chlorination Systems, these take Chlorine stored as a gas in cylinders and injects it into the cooling water to control growth primarily in the cooling tower equipment. Another less common treatment is with Chlorine Dioxide. This is often utilized when the treatment needs to happen more immediately. A final method is on-site generated Chlorination, also known as Electrolytic Chlorination, we are one of only a few companies that build these systems. These systems work by running seawater or a brine solution over charged cells with the resulting useable chemical being Sodium Hypochlorite. These are often the method of choice for those who are in remote locations without access to purchase chemicals; or for those who are uncomfortable with the risk of storing and handling Chlorine on-site.
Hypochlorite Dosing System
Gaseous Chlorination System
Chlorine Dioxide System
Electrolytic Chlorination System
Gaseous Chlorination System
Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System